Rascal Unit

Rascal Unit
Dublin, OH 43016



happy dog



The Rascal Unit will be conducting Wellness and Microchip clinics at different locations throughout Ohio. These clinics are on a walk-in basis unless otherwise noted. Check out the list below for where the Rascal Team will be next!

We utilize 24PetWatch microchips, which are detected by all commonly used scanners (HomeAgain, AVID, and Crystal Tag).



Services & Pricing

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 For tips on how to make your pet's visit less stressful, check out this article:

Top Tips for Less Stressful Veterinary Visits

***Microchip and wellness clinics are cash or credit only***
(No Care Credit)

The Rascal Unit wellness clinics are intended for healthy pets and minor concerns, as we are not equipped to handle ongoing or critical medical conditions. Laboratory samples and testing are sent out to a laboratory and results may take up to 7-10 business days. Please, do not bring your pet for emergency or urgent care needs or if you require immediate results.

February 28th - Dotties Pet Pawlor (Westerville)
from 2pm-6pm
640 West Schrock Road
Westerville, Ohio 43081


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